
Amazon Suchmaschine Alexa öffnet die Türen

Die Suchmaschine Alexa aus dem Hause Amazon, bietet jetzt Webmastern auf der web search plattform an, den Alexa Index für eigene Webservices zu nutzen.

Announcing the Alexa Web Search Platform Beta
Today, Alexa is releasing the Alexa Web Search Platform Beta (, effectively opening up the Alexa Web Crawl and ushering in a new era where anybody can create new search services without having to invest millions of dollars in crawl, storage, processing, search and server technology.


# Three online web snapshots of up to 100 terabytes each
# Powerful tools to sift through the content to create your own data set
# Upload, compile and run your own programs on a processing cluster across the data set
# Store your output on a storage cluster
# Integrate your data into a search index
# Access your new search via Amazon Web Services

Allerdings ist das ganze im Gegensatz zu anderen Suchmaschinen die eine API anbieten, kostenplichtig. (Via: John Battelle)

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